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New women's section at HRFC!

New women's section at HRFC!

Holly Mayes18 Jun - 16:59
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We are so pleased to announce the formation of a Women's Rugby Team at Hoe Lane debuting in the upcoming 2024/5 season!

This team will enable female athletes to engage in competitive rugby, lead by Pierre Bleriot and supported by Jen Simpson who has worked to promote the minis and youth teams at the club!

Training will be on Wednesdays 8-9pm at the club, and will be assisted by England players Ella Wyrwas, Zoe Harrison and Rosie Galligan!

For this debut season subs will be half price and kit will be discounted.

There will be a gazebo at the club on Thursday evenings so please go along to ask any questions, or register your interest in the team.

Alternatively, to register interest online you can fill out the form on the link below:
Enquire here

All enquires with details provided will be entered into a draw to win either an England or a Saracens shirt!

Further reading